Cultural heritage landscape in order to cultural ecosystem service

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of the Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


Cultural heritage landscapes present historical and cultural civilization signs and legacies in its exceptional surroundings and landscape which considered today as a necessary incentive to attract cultural tourists. This study points to propose a conceptual analysis of cultural inheritance and how they are linked to the concepts of landscape, heritage and identity within landscape ideas. It also discusses how these cultural landscapes can be measured and incorporated into spatial and physical training. The cultural heritage conservation matter provides tools for reaching suitable solutions for sustainable development based on the culture of people and geographical region. A region of southern districts in Iran, especially villages or historical grounds that is linked to landscapes, as one of famous spectacular cultural landscapes that express historical values and ecosystem that some of them are so unique in the world. This paper expresses issues of cultural Urbanism and landscape and Using a quantities research approach to solve the main aspects of sustainable development in one of the cultural heritage landscapes in the name of Harireh historical city which is located nearby to Persian Gulf already and popular with visitors and has featured in official tourism development plans and ways to getting best strategy for saving.


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