Explanation the role of third-places in the socialization of urban districts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Aras International Campus, University of Tehran

2 Department of Urban planning, Faculty of Architecture and urban planning, University of Shanghai, Shanghai, China


Urban third place are places that bring people together, unplanned , suddenly and creatively, in order to build a community. Third places in Iran in its two international and traditional categories are mixed with Iranian culture and play a key role in people’s lifestyles. Urban open-air cafes, considering their open form, which has a common chapter with urban space and central landscape by branching from the architectural space, practically have a kind of public and semi-public spaces that are very important in shaping the social quality of urban fabric. The present study is analytical-descriptive and in terms of aim, is evaluative and ultimately applied. The method of data collection is library and survey. In the present study, using the existing theoretical literature and data analysis using the content analysis method, the principles of formation of third places and also the quality of the socialization index and its conceptual framework were explained. In the case study, individuals were constructed in the form of Likert scale on a ranking scale, as a sample size based on the Cochran’s formula with acceptable reliability and according to the average population of Tehran district 2, by simple random sampling method and also for evaluation some variables were improperly distributed and analyzed using SPSS software. The results show the high importance of urban third places such as open-air cafes that can change the quality of urban design in a context and increase the quality of socialization. According to these findings, the studied cafes have a situation in cases where variables such as social interactions in their three forms in the first place and also the qualities of aesthetics, flexibility of space, access and services in the second place have received high scores. It was more appropriate and also when variables such as dynamics, activity and comfort were moderate, variables such as climate and protection had the greatest impact.
