Explaining the indigenous model of Urban management in residential neighborhoods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Urban Planing, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planing, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Researches Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Urban Planing, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planing, Iran University of Sciences and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Social capital is a concept that dates back to the eighteenth century and earlier, and has been used extensively in urban planning and management. Social capital is only a group of processes that are the result of societal actions and can be employed to satisfy the personal and general needs of people and improve their quality of life. The concept of social capital is indebted to the efforts of three social thinkers, Pierre Bourdieu, Robert Putnam and James Coleman, who have had an important influence on the theoretical development of social capital. The thinkers have considered the area of social capital as micro, medium, and macro levels, and divided its dimensions into cognitive (subjective) and structural (objective) dimensions.
On a city scale, social capital can promote the economic growth of the city, because by providing a climate of confidence, it facilitates cooperation among different groups. The quality of social relations also affects the future development of neighborhoods. If a metropolitan area receives a bad reputation, the middle and upper classes of the community are unwilling to be in those regions, and only those who lack adequate income to be elsewhere or look for benefits in the emerging situation, will be willing to endure in those countries.
The purpose of the present research is to identify the components of social capital at different levels and to localize indicators and components of social capital at the level of urban neighborhoods. The components were extracted and analyzed by an exploratory- documentary method, and finally the framework of the conceptual model of neighborhoods was classified in two dimensions of objective and subjective and four main components of trust, participation and solidarity and social relations and fifteen indicators.


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