Explanation of Culture-led Regeneration Model in Urban Management of City Centers In order to Competitiveness

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Art, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this research is an explanation of culture-led regeneration model in city centers in order to contend in the context of urban management issues. This research seeks to codify the theoretical framework and drawing the conceptual model of culture-led regeneration in urban centers in society to compete by examining the concepts and positions. It likewise undertakes to make a good example of culture- led by examining the theory. The research method founded on the objective is employed and is descriptive- analytically in terms of information aggregation. In the descriptive portion of the study is a field study and in the analytical section, the research is exploratory and field research. Also, the structural equation method has been applied in order to the analysis of the effects between variables. For this determination, a questionnaire with closed questions and in the form of the Likert spectrum has been employed as a tool for information collection and LISREL software as a data analysis tool. The theoretical consequences of this research show that the culture-led regeneration, as a comprehensive and integrated action, uses culture as the catalyst for development and seeks to strengthen the multi-functional spirit. It likewise seeks to preserve and make the valuable urban resources to get into the internal competition and transnational. This intent is pursued by the consolidation of four approaches which include creative and cultural industries, shoes making, cultural tourism and eventful and city branding. As according to practical findings of research, creative and cultural industries, Functional component, physical- design component, the semantic component  have  significant effects on city competitiveness.


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