Explaining the main role of behavioral setting in improving the sense of place in academic spaces

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D.Candidate in Architecture Department of Architecture of Art and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran. (IAUH)

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture of Art and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran. (IAUH)

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture of Art and Architecture, Tehran Branch, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. (PNU


Educational spaces like universities, as academic space, is one of the areas of environmental architecture that play a major role in society. As a social institution, these spaces provide cognitive and emotional functions as much as physical functions. The concept of a sense of place in the structure of this psychology determines the quality of the environment. In the meantime, the behavioral settings can be placed in the center of the example of the sense of place due to the creation of a social node. The purpose of the current research is to explain the role of behavioral settings in improving the sense of place in academic spaces such as universities. The current research is of an analytical-interpretive type, which is considered to be developmental in its purpose. The method of collecting information is based on the use of documentary methods and the review of books, texts, and articles. Based on this, first, according to the specified goal, the main concepts were examined and with the method of inductive reasoning as well as content analysis, factors and general criteria influencing the position were extracted. Also, with emphasis on repeating the importance of expert experts and researchers, it was expressed in the form of a conceptual model and finally, after examining all the criteria of the final research model, it was presented as a result.


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