Analyzing the relationship between typology and the urban housing model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


The country of Iran like everywhere in the world, has turned to tall buildings with the motivation of saving land in the centers of big cities. But the experiences that the owners of high-level construction technology have gone through have not yet been acquired and the conditions for development in fields that were not present in its evolution have not been provided. A significant number of high-rise buildings without the support of a specialized study are necessary, which will result in huge losses and waste, which should be reduced as much as possible. The failed experience of the last few decades of tall residential buildings i requires an analytical study in it. The purpose of the current research is to explain the role the relationship between type and model in the structural layers of typology. The cognitive reduction method can be done with two completely different goals. Initially, the refinement of a design of its main elements leaves a diagram of the basic structure. This diagram may correspond to diagrams of other designs, in which case we use the term typological diagram. Such a diagram can be called the nature of a species. Secondly, by comparing a design resulting from the reduction of the taxonomic diagram of a species with a design that was probably adapted from it, we can get an idea of the changes in the design according to the original species. Everything is detailed and defined in the model, but everything is more or less uncertain.


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