Explanation of Objectives in Public Built Environment Educations Up to Urban Management (Case study: Participants in Golden Cube Competitions)

Document Type : Case Study


1 Ph.D. student in Architecture, Department of Architecture & Urbanism, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Qazvin, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture & Urbanism, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Qazvin, Iran


Public Built Environment Education is a learning opportunity that is provided to non-professional audiences such as school students and their parents and relies on different characteristics and aspects of built environment phenomena such as architecture, landscape, urban spaces and the like. This research objective is to provide an overview of the main components which are affecting both the goal-setting and the implementation methods of Public Built Environment Education. This research especially focuses on the matter of goal-setting because it is the first essential step to examine the capabilities of built environment phenomena to play an active role in efficient education in the future. Following that, and in order to have a grasp of more recent activities in this area, case studies were selected from the participants of the Golden Cube competition, which is held every other year by UIA. It seems that the goals set for the new examples are not much different from those proposed in past decades. Although various institutions offer Built Environment Educations through a range of new learning methods, they only apply some necessary skills for contemporary literacy in a one-way road due to the nature of their goal settings. It means they will not accept any duty in reinforcing the rest of those skills. In other words, to express all their capabilities, these educations, in addition to obtaining new learning models, need to define and follow more up-to-date goals based on new definitions of literacy and its requirements, including the concept of efficiency.


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