Explanation of sustainable energy evaluation methods in urban morphology

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Urban and Regional Planning, The College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Istineye University, Istanbul, Turkey


In urban settlements a strong relationship exists between “urban morphology” and “sustainable energy performances” of settlements. More than half of the global population now live in cities and the United Nations. The study focuses on the dynamics of energy utilization in mega-cities, and ultimately aims at providing method categorizing for evaluating sustainable energy in large urban systems. The research into metabolic aims to understand the physical flows into, within, and out of the cities. Direct and indirect energy demand can be a proxy to emphasize how cities rely upon the outside in terms of energy demand. This research uses both theoretical exploration and field observation. It explores theories on the perspectives of sustainable planning and design. The problem-oriented methodology applied by this research has a system of basic problematic groups as the major perspectives of the sustainable approach. The main question is how can we assess the spatial interactions between urban morphologies and energy system? At last, three main approaches lead the subjects to urban morphology to being in evaluation stages. Finally, remote sensed dataset evaluation system is found the best method for urban-energy planning and design, and in this system, LIDAR technology has a maximum capability to evaluate urban settlements in transformation matters in geographical view. Lidar technology has allowed 3D information on the environment to be remotely obtained over large areas and in larger cities as case studies can be useful.


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