Comparative comparison of the old and new fabric of Naeen city with the approach of healthy city

Document Type : Original Article


1 1- Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil, Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil, Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The increase in population growth rate and migration from villages to cities in the long term has caused extensive changes in the environment of big cities. Most of the influential social and economic factors in cities have been led to instability due to this disproportion in the number of optimal changes. Therefore, according to the alarming trend and increasing factors threatening the health of citizens, city and health planners proposed a relatively new term called a healthy city, in which they seek to link the urban environment with the physical and mental health of city dwellers and decisions They strengthen themselves regarding some basic issues such as urban health, social welfare and improving the quality of human life. The current research aims to evaluate the urban fabric in the old and new subspecies in Naeen city, and seeks to extract the impact of the criteria of a healthy city. The current research is of an analytical-adaptive type, which is considered to be an applied type in its purpose and a developmental type of research in the layers of explanation and formulation of the structure. The method of collecting data is in the form of documents and libraries using sources and referring to documentary and archival data sources as well as information from government and private authorities that have a history of research activity in this regard. Based on this, according to the indicators of a healthy city in the context of the old and new city of Naeen, it was evaluated according to the main criteria in 5 criteria, which are social, economic, environmental, health and physical criteria that each Which is divided into a certain index. The results indicate that in the comparative comparison model of the old and new context of Naeen city with the approach of a healthy city, the economic criterion in the new context is the healthiest with an average score of 42.85 and the health criterion in the old context with a score of 30.73 is the unhealthiest. The city is healthy.


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